The Convenience of Having the Self-Hearing Test by BHearing App

The Convenience of Having the Self-Hearing Test by BHearing App

According to AgingInPlace, almost 700 million people will need hearing rehabilitation, and around 2.5 billion will have some degree of hearing loss by 2050. Today over 430 million people are living with disabling hearing loss.

Why Getting Tested Is Important

There are many potential causes of hearing loss. It can affect anyone and often progresses gradually. It can be hard to notice the hearing loss until you experience symptoms.

Without taking a hearing test, there is a risk of hearing loss in the future. And you may never realize the extent of your hearing loss, as a result, never treat underlying issues.

How to Take a Hearing Test at Home

We live in a time when headphones are quite necessary, and we're starting to see a lot of companies who are coming out with amazing products.

Let’s look at BHearing by Jabees. These personal sound amplifier headphones come with an App for customization.

BHearing is a three-in-one device. It's an amplifier so it makes things louder if you will, but it also includes a remote transmitter. You can put a remote transmitter on someone’s T-shirt and you can hear them perfectly. It's also Bluetooth stereo headphones for listening to music, watching TV and they can take calls through your smartphone.

BHearing App offers a convenient, free, and quick online hearing test. With this hearing test, you can find out if you may have problems with your hearing.

How to Use BHearing App

Just download it on your smartphone, open and choose Tone Test for more advanced hearing assessment. In addition, with BHearing App, you can easily create your personalized hearing profile. If you need to have your hearing profile in your phone, take a screenshot of your results.

BHearing headphones also have Active Noise Reduction Technology. With two microphones in each earbud, it helps you focus on the voices you want to hear and filter out the noises you don't. It’s easy to adjust the frequency bands according to your needs. Just tune up or down the noise reduction level.

So, it’s easy to test your hearing, create the personalized hearing profile and control the noise with BHearing App.



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